The Endangered Species
In 1973 Congress
passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to "provide a means
whereby the ecosystems upon which endangered and threatened species
depend may be conserved, and to provide a program for the conservation
of these species." Since the passage of this landmark law,
more than 1,000 plant and animal species have been added to the
endangered species list.
A species
is listed as endangered if it is "in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of its range," or
as threatened if it is "likely to become an endangered species
within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant
portion of its range." The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) is responsible for protection of land-based species, which
form the majority of listed species. The National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), part of the Department of Commerce, is responsible
for protection of marine species including marine mammals and
fish that migrate from the sea to spawn in rivers, such as salmon.
Endangered Species and Private Property Rights
The ESA’s broad application to private individuals and companies
and to private land is what makes it so controversial. More than
80 percent of all species listed under the ESA depend on private
lands for some part of their habitat. The ESA prohibits both
government agencies and private citizens from engaging in any
activity that kills or harms listed species or any activity that
destroys their habitat. Under the sole exception to this prohibition,
a private landowner may obtain a permit to take a listed species
or its habitat in the course of an "otherwise lawful activity,"
such as development or timber cutting, by submitting a Habitat Conservation Plan, or HCP. The
HCP must outline steps that the landowner will take to minimize
and mitigate the impacts of the permitted take on listed species.
ESA proponents believe the Act should be strengthened to better
promote recovery of listed species on both public and private
lands. Supporters also believe that the federal government has
gone too far in its efforts to placate industry critics. For
example, in an effort to silence critics of the ESA, the USFWS
and NMFS have greatly expanded their use of HCP's in recent years.
Both agencies view HCP’s as a positive way to involve private
landowners in the conservation of endangered species habitat.
The number of approved plans has grown from fewer than 20 in 1992
to nearly 300 today. Many of the more recent plans cover large
areas and large numbers of species, and may be in effect for many
years. For example, an HCP approved for a timber company in Washington
state covers 170,000 acres, nearly 200 listed and unlisted species,
and will last for 100 years.
The rapid growth in the number and acreage of HCP’s has led to
intense scrutiny from industry, scientists and the environmental
community. A number of environmental groups have released reports
critical of the program, and a study released in early 1999 by
the American Institute of Biological Sciences found that many
HCP’s are based on inadequate scientific information, lack sufficient
funding and will not adequately monitor their impact on endangered
and the ESA
Recently, the debate over the ESA has become highly polarized.
Critics of the ESA have found a number of champions in Congress
who have successfully worked to block reauthorization of the Act,
and who have introduced bills to weaken ESA impacts on private
lands and private industry. At the same time, ESA supporters
have introduced a bill in the House that would strengthen the
Act. While the bill has attracted co-sponsors, there has currently
been little progress toward a vote.
One potential area of compromise has emerged in the form of landowner
incentives. Incentives allow property owners to receive direct
grants or tax breaks if they agree to set aside and manage habitat
for the benefit of endangered and threatened species. For example,
the Department of Interior has launched a small pilot program
to provide grants to landowners who manage their land for endangered
species. Landowner incentives are supported by moderate interests
on both sides of the ESA debate, and have led to a number of legislative
proposals. However, these programs and legislative proposals
have not attracted the support of more extreme interests.
What You Can Do
more information on endangered species issues and what you can
do to help, check out these Web sites: