The Seattle Times
Honor Lewis and Clark by saving rivers, species
by Stephen Ambrose
Special to The Times
Tuesday, October 03, 2000
President Clinton has a rare opportunity to honor the
legacy of Lewis and Clark in his remaining days in office.
Nearly 200 years after their voyage across the continent,
many of the species first recorded by Meriwether Lewis
and William Clark are struggling to survive. We have so
altered the Missouri, Snake and Columbia rivers that Lewis
and Clark would hardly recognize these arteries of the
American West.
When Lewis and Clark crossed the continent nearly two
centuries ago, they saw rivers and floodplains teeming
with life. Immense herds of buffalo, elk and antelope
fed in one "common and boundless pasture." Clark
wrote that deer in the Missouri's floodplain were as plentiful
as "hogs about a farm." Millions of salmon surged
up the Columbia and Snake each year to spawn and sustained
the Voyage of Discovery during their long winter along
the Columbia's estuary.
Today, many of the species encountered by Lewis and Clark
are on the verge of extinction, and some are already gone.
Since Lewis and Clark returned, we have dramatically
changed these rivers in the name of progress. We eliminated
virtually all of the Lower Missouri's islands, sandbars
and sloughs - the places river wildlife need to survive
- to attract barges that never came. We built dams on
the Columbia and Snake rivers that delay the migration
of young salmon to the sea, and pose lethal obstacles
to adult salmon returning to spawn. Today, only a few
thousand wild Snake River salmon remain.
Unless President Clinton acts now and acts decisively,
many of the species encountered by Lewis and Clark will
be lost forever.
First, President Clinton should direct the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers to reform Missouri River dam operations
to include higher spring dam releases and lower summer
dam releases. Current dam operations are contributing
to the extinction of three federally protected species
- including a bird first described by Lewis - but the
Army Corps will propose a new dam management plan this
Second, President Clinton should direct the National
Marine Fisheries Service and the Army Corps to be prepared
to remove four dams from the lower Snake River in 2005
if other salmon recovery measures fail to resurrect endangered
salmon runs.
And, President Clinton should direct federal salmon managers
to implement meaningful interim salmon-recovery measures,
including better management of federal dams in southern
Idaho. In the case of Snake River salmon, significant
delay will almost certainly result in extinction.
After traveling among unparalleled bounty, Lewis and
Clark would be shocked to learn that many of the species
that sustained their journey are extinct or nearing extinction.
The bicentennial of their voyage in 2004 creates a rare
opportunity to repair the arteries of the West and honor
their legacy as pioneering naturalists.
If President Clinton acts now to save the species first
recorded by Lewis and Clark, Americans will recall his
leadership for generations. By contrast, the steady decline
and extinction of these species would serve as a constant
reminder of his failure to act, obscuring the environmental
achievements of his administration.
Stephen Ambrose is the author of "Undaunted Courage:
Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of
the American West."