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The Providence Journal

Chafee urged to vote no on Norton
Activists criticize the interior secretary-designate's record on pollution.

January 18, 2001

PROVIDENCE -- A bevy of Rhode Island environmental groups yesterday called on Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee to vote against confirming Gale Norton of Colorado, President-elect Bush's choice for secretary of the interior.

Norton was roundly denounced at a demonstration outside Chafee's Providence office attended by about 20 environmental activists, including representatives of Save the Bay, the Rhode Island Chapter of the Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, the Childhood Lead Action Project, the Sierra Student Coalition, the League of Conservation Voters and the Environment Council of Rhode Island.

Anna Karpick, director of the state's Sierra Club chapter, invoked the memory of the late Sen. John Chafee, Lincoln Chafee's father, who was known for his environmental advocacy.

"If you stand strong, Senator Chafee, we will stand with you," said Karpick. "We are calling on you today to oppose Norton based on her record as an extreme environmentalist. Set an example for other senators. Continue the legacy of your father and stand proud."

Chafee will probably vote for Norton, said Jeff Neal, the senator's spokesman. Her confirmation hearing begins today.

"Senator Chafee is hopeful he will be able to vote for the confirmation of Gale Norton, barring some unforeseen revelation at her confirmation hearings," Neal said.

Chafee believes an incoming president deserves to have his cabinet nominees confirmed. "He does believe the president has a certain prerogative to nominate cabinet members who he believes would best fit his administration," Neal said.

Neal also said that John Chafee, who died in 1999, hewed to much the same policy. Despite John Chafee's support of environmental measures, he voted to confirm as Ronald Reagan's secretary of the interior James Watt, a conservative who was anathema to environmental activists.

"John Chafee's legacy is to give the president a lot of leeway in his appointments," said Neal, who noted that John Chafee also voted to put conservative Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.

Rhode Island's other senator, Democrat Jack Reed, has not decided how he will vote on the Norton confirmation, according to Greg McCarthy, Reed's spokesman.

The placard-carrying environmental activists stood outside Chafee's office on Dorrance Street, chanting and cheering each other's statements. Roberta Hazen Aaronson, director of the Childhood Lead Project, criticized Norton for her employment as a lobbyist for the lead paint industry.

"She has spent her career defending those who would pollute and plunder our natural environment," said Aaronson. "A person who consistently stands with the polluters is not qualified to be a steward of the environment."

Shelia Dormody, state director of Clean Water Action, blasted her record as Colorado attorney general, asserting Norton was too cozy with industries that pollute water and air.

"Gale Norton is clearly more interested in protecting corporate interests than in protecting public lands or public health," said Dormody. "The American people deserve better from our secretary of the interior."

It was the second day running for a protest of a Bush nominee outside Chafee's office. About 100 community group members and several politicians on Tuesday urged him to change his mind about voting to confirm John Ashcroft as attorney general.


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