Urban Sprawl

Urban sprawl costs everyone through destruction of our fragile desert and mountains, increased air pollution, loss of open space or time spent traveling.  Arizona’s current “Growing Smarter” plan ineffectively deals with these costs.  Do you support the Citizen’s Growth Management Initiative (CGMI) – Proposition 202 - as a means to give Arizonans more control over the growth and development of their communities? 

Currently the state of Arizona has a “Growing Smarter” plan, which fails to meet the needs of the fast-growing state.  Most of its guidelines are voluntary, which is no change from the pre-plan situation prior to its implementation.  The Citizen’s Growth Management Initiative (CGMI) was developed to protect Arizona’s high quality of life and unique natural heritage.  Its main goals are to ensure that developers, not taxpayers, pay the costs of growth and that citizens have the final say on land use decisions in their communities.   In addition, CGMI mandates that 100% of “Growing Smarter” funds be used to acquire natural open space, includes citizen enforcement provisions, and protects Arizona’s precious water supplies.   Arizona must act now to keep growth from destroying the natural beauty and resources of the state. 

For more information, contact:


Clean WaterArizona’s aquifer is a valuable source of clean water, but is very vulnerable to contaminants from a variety of sources.  Do you support full implementation of the Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) program in an effort to protect aquifer waters from contamination?   The Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) program was implemented in 1986 with the agreement that it is the responsibility of all discharging facilities, new or existing, to use the Best Available Demonstrated Control Technology (BADCT) to prevent releases that might reach the aquifer.  Fourteen years later, there are still facilities that have not implemented the BADCT program because the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has not asked them to submit a permit application.  ADEQ’s failure to enforce the permit program is detrimental to the health and safety of communities in Arizona and is inexcusable. This failure of the ADEQ is inexcusable.  The legislature has, over the years, denied adequate funding for the enforcement of the BADCT program, granted exemptions to some industries, established fee caps for violations and attempted to weaken narrative standards for water quality.  Under such internal opposition Arizona’s waters are doomed to pollution.  Arizona’s elected officials must value clean water as much as the public does, if Arizona hopes to have safe drinking water now and in the future. 

For more information, contact:

Clean Air

Gas and diesel fueled automobiles are responsible for greater than 40 percent of the air pollution in Arizona cities.  Cleaner burning fuels, adequate mass transit and meaningful growth management are essential in reducing the transportation sector’s contribution to air pollution.  How will you work to clean up transportation so that Arizona’s air will be clean and safe to breathe? 

Air pollutants in Arizona cities are principally nitrogen oxides, ozone, carbon monoxide and particulates.  Phoenix residents are all too familiar with the city’s “brown cloud.”  It is calculated that brown cloud material would be reduced by 1.8 metric tons per day in 2010 if the use of clean burning diesel fuel were implemented.  This calculation is likely underestimated because it does not reflect the use of diesel fuel by stationary sources.  Other areas in the state would also benefit from cleaner fuels.  In Pima County, vehicle emissions are responsible for up to 70 percent of area air pollution, making them a prime candidate for reduced emissions and cleaner- burning cars.  Air pollution has serious health effects and has been correlated to reproductive, musculoskeletal, respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.  It is of particular concern to children and older people, as their immune responses are less capable of dealing with the stresses caused by pollutants.  Acting now to reduce air pollution will provide visible benefits now and in the future, and must be viewed as top priority by our elected officials.

For more information, contact:
www.deq.co.pima.az.us/airinfo/health.html (Pima County),

Endangered Species

In the State of Arizona, there are currently 59 federally listed endangered or threatened species.  What is your plan to ensure that this biodiversity is protected both now and for future generations?

The greatest cause of extinction is loss of habitat – and urban sprawl is the major cause of habitat loss in Arizona. Unfortunately, there has been increasing hostility within the state against preserving habitat for these endangered species, under the guise of having to decide between jobs and animals.  In order for these species to survive the threats of extinction that development and habitat loss pose, it is essential that our elected officials recognize the importance of keeping endangered species regulations strong.  The Citizen’s Growth Management Initiative (CGMI) – Proposition 202 - was developed to protect Arizona’s high quality of life and unique natural heritage. In addition, CGMI mandates that 100% of “Growing Smarter” funds be used to acquire natural open space, which would help preserve Arizona’s precious and shrinking list of endangered species.

For more information, contact:


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