LCV ED Fund Launches Web Site to Generate Clean Air
July 18, 2001
Contact: Scott Stoermer at (202) 785-8683 x599
Through a new League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
(LCV Ed Fund) web site,,
the LCV Ed Fund will gather comments on a controversial
Bush administration proposal to weaken clean air standards
and forward them to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The EPA is considering whether to continue a Clinton-era
clean air regulation called New Source Review (NSR). This
provision of the Clean Air Act requires power plants to
update their pollution controls when renovating. Environmentalists
credit enforcement of NSR standards with improved air quality
and respiratory health. However, the Bush administration
is urging the EPA to discontinue NSR, responding to industry
complaints that the law cuts into profits.
Citizens can add their voices to the debate and learn more
about the issue by logging on to
during the EPA's public comment period ending July 27.
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